From Beginning to BABY!

Searching for information about infertility and fertility treatments can feel like you’ve embarked on a lonely internet scavenger hunt. Using the Google search bar, you land here to find information about endometriosis and then have to migrate over there to learn more about how many cycles it takes to get pregnant from IVF.

You wind up with a hodge-podge of information from different sources, making it difficult to keep the whirlwind of data in one place.  And, all the while you’re thinking, “Is this really happening? How did this become my life?”

Well, now you can breathe a deep sigh of relief.  The Infertility Help Guide: From Beginning to Baby, you hold in your hands (or have on your screen). It is the single readable, most comprehensible guide to everything under the sun pertaining to infertility. You can now take control of your infertility journey!

This FREE fertility book launched in 2016 and we are constantly adding content to fill the book with more valuable information for patients and the general public wanting to learn more about their fertility. Please be patient as the chapters are uploaded over the next few months. If you do not see a topic listed in the Table of Contents feel free to make a suggestion below.

Every individual and couple will have their own story regarding their infertility journey. The NCFMC Infertility Help Guide lays the foundation to learn more about your fertility and treatment options. However, if you have any medical conditions or take a prescription medication you should absolutely discuss pregnancy planning with your personal physician. Many physicians and medical professionals are well versed in fertility. But, only board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist/Infertility specialists have received 27 years of training to specifically help you meet your family goals (

Plus, you’ll learn that you are not alone, and you are far from the only person searching for this type of information.

One of The Most Comprehensive Guides to Infertility Factors & Fertility TreatmentsInfertility Help Guide

The Infertility Help Guide: From Beginning to Baby is one of the most comprehensive guides that exists online (it may even be the most comprehensive online infertility guide), written especially for individuals and couples just like you. It will allow you to take control of  your infertility journey.

Our guide contains information starting with the basic overviews of what causes infertility. Information regarding infertility testing, treatments and fertility procedures are included. We’ve broken each topic down into well-developed sections.

We hope this free fertility book will become a companion for you and your partner as you navigate the complicated infertility adventure.

Finally! An Infertility Resource Written Just For You

Speaking of complicated, we’ve made sure to translate and simplify the doctor lingo and medical jargon so the concepts are easy to understand and remember.

By the time you’ve finished the guide, you’ll be able to speak fertility testing, results and treatments. Best of all, you’ll have a better understanding about the fertility path that makes the most sense for you.

There’s no need to have a science background, or pursue a degree in biology to understand what you read here. The scientific words are always defined and the guide is written the way “real” people speak.

Infertility Topics Are Updated Regularly

We promise to keep the book updated in response to future advancements in fertility research and treatments as they unfold. So check back in to make sure you have access to the most relevant information.

Interested in learning more about infertility and fertility treatments? Having a hard time explaining a particular topic or concept to friends and family? You now have access to an excellent resource for yourself, as well as free informational materials to share with the ones you love so they will better understand where you are and where you’re headed.

If at any point there is something you don’t understand or have questions about, feel free to reach out to us at Northern California Fertility Medical Center. (916) 773-BABY. Also, we are always looking for new topics to discuss so please make a suggestion.

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Now, let’s begin exploring everything there is to know about fertility, the issues that can muck up normal reproductive function, and the treatments that will get you that beautiful baby you so poignantly desire.

Next up: Maximizing Your Fertility at Home

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